Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kua Numbers

The Kua Number is a basic building block of the Eight Mansion School of Feng Shui.
Once you know your Kua number, you'll be able to find out which are the directions that's auspicious for you and which are those that are not. You'll also be able to identify the auspicious and inauspicious sectors of your home which will be very useful when you're buying an apartment or when you're furnishing your home.

Depending on your gender, the method of calculating your Kua Number is different.

If You're Male,

Step 1: Add up the last two digits of your birth year
For example, if you're born in 1975, you'll add '7' and '5' to get '12'

Step 2: If you get a double-digit in Step 1, add up the two digits to get a single digit.
Using the same example, add '1' and '2' (of 12 from Step 1) to get '3'.

Step 3: Subtract the number from Step 2 from 10.
You minus '3' from '10' and you get '7'.

So your Kua Number is 7.

If you're Female,

Step 1: Add up the last two digits of your birth year
For example, if you're born in 1982, you'll add '8' and '2' to get '10'

Step 2: If you get a double-digit in Step 1, add up the two digits to get a single digit.
Using the same example, add '1' and '0' to get '1'.

Step 3: Add '5' to the number you got from Step 2.
You add '1' and '5' to get 6'.

So your Kua Number is 6.

Step 4: If you get a double-digit in Step 3, add up the two digits to get a single digit.

Note: If you're born in the 21st century, you should use "10" as the digit for the tenth column. That is, if your birth year is 2001, you should add '10' and '1' in Step 1.
If you're born on 2010, you'll add '11' and '0'. If you're born on 2021, you'll add '12' and '1'.

Once you've calculated your Kua number, you can refer to the chart below to find out your four auspicious directions (Sheng Chi, Tien Yi, Yan Nien, and Fu Wei) and your four inauspicious directions (Ho Hai, Wu Kwei , Lui Sha, and Chueh Ming)

The directions for male and female are different for Kua number 5. So if you're Male, you'll have to look under Column 5(M) and if you're Female, you'll have to look under the Column 5(F).

Four Auspicious Directions
Sheng Chi is the direction for attracting prosperity, wealth and fame into your life.
Tien Yi is the direction for improving your health and bring longevity.
Yen Nien is the direction for enhancing family relationships.
Fu Wei is the direction for achieving self-actualization and peace.

Four Inauspicious Directions
Ho Hai is the direction that leads to frustration and possible financial loss.
Wu Kwei is the direction that leads to loss of income/employment and burglaries.
Lui Sha is the direction that leads to illnesses, accidents, and legal entanglements.
Chueh Ming is the most fatal direction. It leads to bankruptcies and fatal illnesses.

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